Our promise to you

If we don’t give you:
- an Affidavit of Service
- an Affidavit in Support of a Motion for Substitutional Service
- or proof that the party does not reside at that address
(presumably in support of your Motion to Dispense with Service)

All process serving flat rates include a minimum of:
- 3 attempts
- on 3 different days
- at 3 different times
Note: we hate preparing affidavits of Attempted Service,
so we do everything possible to find and serve.

Quotes and pricing

For Process Serving and Court Filing quotes or pricing details please contact us by phone or email.

The small print (for lawyers’ eyes only)

Outside of Hamilton, process serving, filing and locates are subject to the following conditions: give us the correct address and phone number and then there are no silly conditions. But if you give us the wrong information, we can’t guarantee our work.